How to answer seminar questions | assignment questions | take home quizzes
Seminar questions are those questions provided with seminar leaders during seminar lessons. Seminars class are different from each program. Ensure that you observe your seminar time and venue as well as your seminar leader.
In seminar session you will be given the questions which will be required to be presented and collected. You will be divided into groups; your seminar leader will tell you how many people is he/she want to be in group or you may decide for yourself. In your groups, try to be with people who show interest on studying.
Today, we are going how to conquer or to answer seminar questions in University level. The way we answer the seminar question is not the same as we are in A-level, there are some guidelines to be followed while answering these questions. Here are some of them, read them careful and try practicing in your assignment.
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1. All seminar questions are essay type. All seminar questions should be answered in essay form. While answering essay question you should include three items; introduction, main body and conclusion.
In introduction you have to explain what is the question about by explaining the key term. Key term may be one or more than one according to question.
In main body is where you analyze your points in details. Keep your points visible first followed by your explanation. Don’t hide the main point in your explanation. And remember to write each idea in its own paragraph, don’t write more than one idea in a single paragraph.
In conclusion you finalize by providing your short brief response against the question. Don’t introduce another topic in your conclusion.
2. Arrange your work clearly, this is to make sure your work is readable easily. In arrangement also you have to obey logical flow between your paragraphs. Your paragraphs should be connected by so what called transitional phrases. Example of these transitional phrases are “in additional to this perspective, another key aspect is…” or “moreover, it is true that…” and so forth.
3. Don’t underline your points. In essay question answering we do not underline our main points. In order to make your points visible, you have to make it bold instead of underlining.
4. Don’t used bullets to show something in essay questions, all your ideas and details should be in paragraphs. These bullets include the following
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5. Avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is the writing of someone ideas as your own without acknowledging him or her. Some of the students have a tendency of copying from various sources like websites and pasting to the seminar work, this is not allowed and it will be termed as plagiarism. You can avoid plagiarism by citing the source of information or by putting references on your work.
6. Avoid repetition of the same ideas in order to have many pages. This is very annoying to the marker and he or she can reduce your score.
7. Last but not least, show references of your work. After completion of your work you have to attach references (refer no. 5 above). The reference means you give acknowledgement to the owner of the information. Failure to do so you will have committed plagiarism which is not allowed in academic issues.
Also you can visit on our webiste to read on these: Example of answering seminar question (CL111) | Features of Great Depression (EC117)
Other things to know;
• Don't enter for the seminar you have not registered with.
• Know the name of your seminar leader.
• Know the day, time and name of venue you conducted seminar.
• Those details are very important to memorize because you will write them in your continuous assessment exam.
• Your seminar leader is the one responsible for giving you continuous assessment exams (CA).
Therefore, it is important to attend your seminar session accordingly.
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