Here are the rules and regulations to be obeyed by the student of University of Dar es Salaam. Read it carefully and try to understand.
1. Registration for Examination
There shall be no special registration of candidates for examinations. Registration and payment to the University of all required or prescribed fees by a candidate for a course of study shall be deemed as adequate registration for the requisite examinations in the particular course of study.
2. Registration for Courses
All new full-time students shall register for courses at the beginning of the first semester of an academic year and continuing students shall register for courses at the end of an academic year for a total minimum of 60 course credits and a maximum of 72 course credits per semester in the academic year. Part-time students in a semester system shall register for a minimum of 48 credits and maximum of 96 credits per academic year.
The deadline for course registration for new students shall be the Friday of the second week after the beginning of the semester. Course registration at the beginning of the semester for continuing students shall only be allowed under special circumstances which prevented them from registering at the end of the year.
A student who has registered for a course but who wishes to withdraw from that course must apply to the Head/Dean/Director/Principal, as the case may be, of the unit hosting the programme through the Head of the course offering Department for permission to do so not later than Friday of the fourth teaching week of the semester. No student will be permitted to commence any course three weeks after the beginning of the semester or withdraw from any course four weeks after the beginning of the Semester.
3. Eligibility for Examinations
The Dean of a School, Principal of a College or the Director of a teaching Institute may bar any candidate from being admitted to any examination in any subject or course where the Dean, Principal or Director is not satisfied that the candidate has completed satisfactorily by attendance, performance or otherwise the requirements of the subject of course. Satisfactory attendance shall mean attending a minimum of 75% of the prescribed contact hours for the course.
Candidates are required to complete coursework before they can be allowed to sit for the University Examination.
Where a candidate who has been barred in accordance with paragraph 3.1 or 3.2 enters the examination room and sits for the paper, his/her results in the paper shall be declared null and void.
A candidate whose work or progress is considered unsatisfactory may be required by the Senate, on the recommendation of the appropriate College, School or Academic Institute Board, to withdraw from the University or to repeat any part of the course before admission to an examination. Failure in an examination, including a session or semester examination may be regarded as evidence of unsatisfactory progress.
Where a candidate who has not registered for studies or for a course sits for an examination, the examination results shall be nullified.
4. Absence from Examinations
A candidate who deliberately absents himself/herself from an examination or examinations without compelling reasons shall be deemed to have absconded the examination and shall be discontinued from the University.
A student who is required to sit for a special examination shall be assigned a “PEX” (Postponed Exam) grade and one who, for satisfactory reasons, has not completed his/her course work shall be assigned an “I” (Incomplete)grade.
A student who has a “PEX” or “I” grade in a course during any academic year is required to clear the course examination during the time of special examinations for that academic year. Except with the approval of the respective College/School/Institute Board, a student who will not clear any “PEX” or “I” grade at the time of special examinations will be considered to have absconded studies
We wish you all the best in your studies
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